5th Annual Midwest Imaging and Microanalysis Workshop


Location: McKenna Conference Center, room 210-214 (View on map )

The Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility will host it's 5th Annual Midwest Imaging and Microanalysis Workshop on May 8, 2018 in rooms 210-214 of McKenna Conference Center here at Notre Dame. 

Participation in this workshop is free but registration is required and can be completed on the registration form found at https://imaging.nd.edu/our-services/electron-microscopy/5th-annual-mwim/

Lectures will be held by leading experts in electron microscopy companies, Midwest Universities, as well as International Universities and Institutes.  The topics will include new trends in in-situ and high resolution microscopy for nano-technology, materials, and bio-sciences.  An introduction to new equipment and capabilities within NDIIF will be held in the afternoon.  Additionally we encourage students to participate in a poster competition held during the workshop. 

Winners of "The Best Imaging Publication of 2017" will be recognized along with poster presentation winners near the conclusion of the workshop.  For more information regarding the Best Imaging Publication Award and the Imaging workshop visit https://imaging.nd.edu/