2022 Notre Dame Spring Core Facilities Fair

Location: B01 McCourtney Hall (View on map )

Mc 8
Mc 8

Notre Dame Research will host the Core Facilities Fair 2022 on Tuesday, January 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in B01 McCourtney Hall. Posters will be displayed throughout the building, and door prizes will be awarded during the event for persons in attendance. In accordance with University guidelines, all participants and attendees will be required to wear a mask throughout the duration of the event.

The Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF) will be one of the featured core facilities at the event. The Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility provides an integrated suite of sophisticated microscopes and imaging stations that enable expert users to address the most complex modern research problems and, equally important, expert staff, including technicians and research specialists, to guide the non-expert users. The NDIIF welcomes users from Notre Dame, other academic institutions, and corporate partnerships. Its mission is to provide researchers with high-quality data, excellent training, customer service, education, and instrument acquisition.

For more information about core facilities and research resources at Notre Dame, visit Notre Dame Research