Overview of Imaging Modalities at the ICBM


Location: Online

Seminar Title: “Overview of Imaging Modalities at the ICBM”

Speakers: Malgorzata Kamocka

Speaker institution (s): IUSM

Core facility name: Indiana Center for Biological Microscopy, Kenn Dunn, Director

We will provide an overview of the major imaging equipment available at the Indiana Center for Biological Microscopy and discuss imaging studies of live and fixed specimens using modalities such as widefield, confocal, multiphoton, and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. We will present various techniques for studying histological structure and its complexity, physiological function, protein interactions, protein degradation, and biomarker signatures. We will also discuss data analysis and image processing tools available at the Center. The ICBM is a vital research core facility supporting numerous laboratories in Indiana, providing guidance on the design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of imaging studies.


Zoom registration link: https://iu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArcuusrTgsGdEgg4R6s1mAGBpSorxF_zG4
