Microscope Demo

(part of a series)

Location: Multidisciplinary Research Building, Room 110

Super Resolution Web Image
The NDIIF along with a few dedicated faculty are writing a grant application to support a continuing effort to update the imaging capabilities at the OMC. There will be a Nikon demo from the 24th to the 27th of January. Multidisciplinary Research Building, Room 110.


This system will be equipped with the usual 4 laser lines and a variety of objective lenses including some specialty lenses. Of particular interest are the high resolution 60x objective (N.A. 1.49) and a 25x silicone- immersion objective for thicker samples (tissue, biofilm, embryos, oocytes). The system also boasts twice the area of imaging (field of view) as the current system.
Please consider signing up to demo this system. It is very important that we get your input into which system to bring to the facility. For scheduling time on the demo instrument, please follow this link: https://signup.com/go/zZqXENf

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions and thanks for your help with this important project.