Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF) Award for Best Imaging Publication 2016

Author: Sarah Chapman


Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF) Award for Best Imaging Publication 2016


The amount of time that is invested in a research experiment and bench work that is involved in gathering data often can easily be overlooked and underappreciated amongst the details in a publication. However, this image is the resounding evidence which not only supports the data but opens up a window to the investigator and allows them to interpret what was once unknown and unanswered. This image then becomes a critical piece of the foundation for their work. As research scientist we take pride in the complexity and the beauty of the images that we are able to capture and the information that we are then able to share with the world. These images often set our work apart from our peers and serve as an inspiration to continue investigating our world and discovering and revealing that which still remains hidden. The NDIIF offers state-of-the-art tools and equipment that provide users with opportunity to lead the research communities. Once a year we honor the work and time that investigators put forth in their research efforts by recognizing two recipients and awarding them for the Best Imaging Publication of the Year.

Two awards are given annually. One award for a peer-reviewed research publication that used the NDIIF imaging machines in Stinson-Remick Hall, and one award for a peer- reviewed publication that used the NDIIF imaging machines in Galvin Life Sciences or Harper Hall.

A nomination for Best Imaging Publication 2016 can be made by any Notre Dame co-author of a publication that appeared on-line in the calendar year 2016. Simply send an email to Theresa Bollinger at with a subject heading of “Nomination for Best Imaging Publication of 2016”.

The email text should include:

(a) The complete publication citation, including: article title, names of all authors, addresses, journal, DOI.

(b) The name and email address of one of the co-authors who must be affiliated with Notre Dame and who will act as corresponding author for the nomination

(b) Summary in <200 words of the imaging work within the publication, highlighting the significance of the imaging work, its high quality, and its worthiness for an award.

(c) Two attachments: (i) pdf copy of the publication, (ii) a single, self-explanatory, PPT slide showing relevant images from the publication. These PPT slides will be retained by the NDIIF and used for publicity.

Submission deadline is March 24, 2017.

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The award winners will be chosen by a committee appointed by the Director of the NDIIF. Members of the NDIIF steering committee and NDIIF staff are eligible for this award. It is acceptable that a single person is listed as a co-author on multiple nominations.

All co-authors of the winning nominations will be awarded certificates, and the designated Notre Dame corresponding author will receive a small honorarium. A representative of each winning publication will present a short lecture on the research at an appropriate NDIIF campus event, most likely to be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 (detailed meeting information will be forthcoming via a separate notification).

Bradley Smith, Director of the Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF) states; “These outstanding publications illustrate the cutting edge science and engineering research that is enabled by the superb imaging equipment within the NDIIF.” Further information about the NDIIF can be gained by visiting

Information regarding previous awardees and the images provided can be found at