
Authorship is warranted and expected if there is intellectual and/or organizational effort of by facility personnel beyond the usual services provided by NDIIF staff. When possible, co-authorship will be decided before work commences. Recovery of facility expenses through the facility cost recovery system does not exclude the possibility for authorship for facility staff. Similarly, authorship does not substitute for payment of facility expenses for services rendered.

A statement acknowledging the facility must be included in manuscripts that contain images or data produced using NDIIF instruments and services. The following is an example:

"The author(s) acknowledge the use of the Histology and InVivo Imaging Cores of the Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility, a designated core of the NIH-funded Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute."

Pertaining to industry clients, the use of NDIIF staff names or photos must not be included in publicity, advertising, or news release without the prior written approval of all parties involved.